March 20, 2010

A Son In Heaven

Today we celebrated the birthday of my 10 year old son Taylor Oran, who has resided in Heaven since a few days before his scheduled birth.  We do this by visiting his beautiful grave, a wonderful location on the tip of a rolling hill lying under a grand oak tree.  We brought dinner and freshly cut daffodils from our yard. The kids played, as usual running through the green expanse of grass, trying to read the names on the graves and talking about Taylor.

I remember this event in full detail.  I don't have the time or strength to dive into it now, but suffice to say that it was the most difficult, but strangely also the most tender time in my life.  These things I will explain another time.


  1. I can not believe it has been 10 years. I remember this day. Everything happens for a reason and God is always in control. I love my friends. Mary Frey

  2. May his memory be eternal.


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